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Memorable Gujarat genocide😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭The Gujarat riots of 2002 were the first result of Hindu fascism's political experiment. It is shocking to even think of the riots two decades later. The Sangh Parivar claimed that 58 Hindus in Godhra were burnt alive by Muslim militants on the Sabarmati Express. Within hours of the Godhra massacre, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal carried out massacres against the Muslim community. The official death toll was 800. Independent reports put the death toll at more than 3,000. About 1.5 lakh people are homeless. Women were stripped naked and gang-raped. Even full-term pregnancies are not left unattended. There have even been reports of them being raped and having their babies ripped open and killed. Parents were murdered in front of their children. Two hundred and forty dargas and one hundred and eighty mosques were demolished. The famous Urdu poet Wali leveled the Gujarati graveyard and built the road in less than a night. Muslim shops, houses, textile mills and vehicles were set on fire and looted. Thousands lost their livelihoods.Meanwhile, some people had sought refuge at the house of former Congress MP Iqbal Ihsan Jafri. The house was also surrounded by Hindu militants. He called the DGP, the Commissioner of Police and the Chief Secretary, but to no avail. The police did not look back. The assailants broke into his house, entered the house, stripped his daughters naked and set them on fire. Then they beheaded Ihsan Jafri. The organs were amputated. Even though a former MP was brutally murdered, the then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi did not look back. It is no coincidence that Jaffrey was at the forefront of raising criticism against Narendra Modi when he sought a referendum in the Rajkot by-election.The aggressors were unleashed all over Gujarat. The weapons were petrol bombs, guns, knives, swords and tridents. The BJP and Sangh Parivar forces competed to incite communal poison. They received all the support of the government. Even Dalits and Adivasis were recruited into the militant groups. The mob's leadership circled with computer prints of Muslim homes and businesses. Mobile phones were constantly ringing. They were in possession of thousands of gas cylinders that had accumulated weeks ago. With it, they destroyed Muslim businesses. The police gave the government security to the attackers against those who resist the unjust against the attackers.India had a Prime Minister when thousands were killed in Gujarat. He visited Gujarat a month and a half later. By then, the Gujarati people were on fire. He uttered words of sympathy. But no one valued those words. Everyone was convinced of its sincerity. From there, Vajpayee went straight to make deals with Singaporean businessmen. It is clear that the Gujarat genocide did not bother him at all.In fact, the direct spectacle of the Muslim genocide in Gujarat was far more horrific than what human rights activists and the media called it. Remnants of this terror can still be seen in the cities of Ahmedabad, Baroda and Godhra. The diligence and vigilance of the media and human rights groups in exposing the atrocities in Gujarat was highly praised. At a time when communal ghosts were fully armed and used for government machinery genocide, the only glimmer of light was to shine.The situation following the Godhra incident made people fearful and frustrated. It weakened the people beyond even an effective defense. Those who condemned the Muslims have shattered their confidence by acknowledging the RSS's interpretation of the burning of train passengers by Muslims in Godhra. The Muslims in Godhra were of the unanimous opinion that the train fire in Godhra was a heinous crime committed by the Hindutva forces themselves to carry out the pre-planned extermination plan. The report of the Railway Security Force and the forensic laboratory test had ruled out an outside fire. The UC Banerjee Commission, appointed by the Ministry of Railways, ruled that the fire was accidental. Yet the plight of present-day India is that those who imprisoned Muslims were unwilling to apologize.The Modi government has appointed a Justice Nanavati Commission of Inquiry into the Gujarat riots. The commission found that neither former chief minister Prime Minister Narendra Modi nor the then ministers were involved in the Gujarat riots. The report says there is no evidence to suggest that Modi and his ministers were involved in inciting or lighting the riots. The commission rejected all the evidence given by former Gujarat DGP and Malayalee police officer RB Sreekumar and other senior IPS officers Rahul Sharma and Sanjeev Bhatt against the Gujarat government. The government has ordered a departmental inquiry against them. The commission found that it was the fault of the police that caused the riots.It was the Gujarat riots that paved the way for Narendra Modi to rise to the forefront of Sangh Parivar politics and later become the Prime Minister of India. When a country is being fascistised by state terrorism, and those who led the uprising are still in power, it is almost certain that the victims' journey to justice will be in vain.